The purpose of these blog posts is to share some of my experiences and create a sense of community among those who care for our federal employees.
Who pays for me if I can’t work?
Working for the Federal Government isn’t entirely without benefit. Sure, your job may be difficult, and accidents do occur. But, there are provisions in place to help you if you [...]
The Tale of Patient Z
For all intense and purposes this Blog is as much about how things get done as it is a testament to how important it is to pick the right OWCP [...]
How do I avoid getting injured on the job?
As we have stated in previous postings getting injured on the job for a majority of governmental employees is not a matter of if, but when. As we approach the [...]
What Do I do WHEN I get hurt at my job with the Federal Government?
Conventional wisdom would suggest that when you get injured on the job as a Federal Employee you should go right to the doctor. But wait! We are talking about the [...]
Where should I go for treatment when I get hurt at my Federal job?
Federal employees working for the USPS have specific job requirements that oftentimes place undue stress and strain on the body. The type of job that you are required to do [...]
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